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This is what happens

2008-08-15 12:17 a.m.

Tonight is the kind of night where you come home from work, change, hop over to the convieniently located liquor store, buy some over-priced microbrew, show the liquor store guy your hideous new ID photo, come back over to your apartment, begin to watch No Reservations, find out your room mate told you that she had indeed seen it when you brought it home and forgot to watch it, can't make it through the opening credits, take it out and put in Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason (which you bought because, you are thouroughly convinced that you are actually Bridget Jones).

Whew. Then, you watch it, remembering just ahead of time all the sad and funny bits; saying them drunkenly to your best friend and room mate. All while slowly getting sloshed on a beer that calls itself Circus Boy. When she goes to bed, (you don't have to yet, because you hold the kind of job where your boss can give you a Friday off because of the Dream Cruise by giving you two extra hours a day) you sit down, drunk text a boy that has better things on his mind and write this entry. And slosh water across your tits.


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