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God Bless You Bridget Jones

2004-11-12 10:03 p.m.

Dear Diary,

Prepare for a sappy entry. I apologize ahead of time for people who think I'm not the sad basketcase I really am.

Just got back from seeing Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason (no that's not a link, sorry). I must say that since the first time I saw the first movie, I've been completely obsessed with it and the whole world in which Bridget operates. And tonight I figured out why. It's because watching this fucked up, fat, sometimes idiotic lunatic finally get the guy gives me hope. There, I said it. A fattened up Renee Zellwiger or however the fuck you spell her name gives me hope. It makes me think that there has to be someone out there who would appreciate my need to straighten the candy in the candy aisle at the store. Someone who doesn't think my hatred for foods with the "watery crunch" is pure lunacy. Someone who can tolerate a few zits and a hair dye compulsion. Someone who won't run screaming when they see my huge feet. Someone who can be patient for my outward hatred for flirting because they will know that inside, I'm dying because I can't believe that anyone would flirt with me.

Colin Firth, where are you?


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