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Did you just say you were on Mescaline?


2004-11-25 1:56 a.m.

So it's Thanksgving and I'm sitting on my parents' basement couch high on cold medication. It got me through the hideous five and a half hours of work I had to put in, at least. It also had a startling side-effect. It made me happy. I came in my parents' house after work and opened up my laptop to catch up on the Clay news that I missed (damn LB! Keeping me from my real occupation), and lo and behold there were some new pictures to be found. New pictures always make me giddy. But this one was a little different.

First of all, non-Clay fans are going to be all WTF? And I don't blame them. It's one of the weirdest pictures I've ever seen of him. And that's why I love it. It made me fucking giddy. Thank God Melissa and Kat were online to help me disseminate some of the love. Kat accused me of being drunk. And when I protested she said, "You often are. It was a good guess."

I'd like to say that the giddiness has worn off so I can go to sleep, but alas I still feel like I'm on E. Too bad there's no one to share it with. Maybe I'll just go and brush my teeth. MMMMMMMMMMMMM

Kelly PS: Joe here's the link dearclaytonh

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Clay Crush Level: Candy Cane Killer Clay! That's a Serial Killer I'd go for...

Today I Saw: Lots of fat women.

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