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2004-01-27 12:32 a.m.

Dear Diary,

This promises to be a boring entry. Sorry.

I'm sitting at my kitchen table while connected to the internet, thanks to the wonder of wireless technology! I love it so much! In the future I will try my hand at chatting while in bed and perhaps (gasp) on the toilet. No. Actually I don't think I'll be doing that. One of the coolest things about this wireless thing is the ability to get online radio stations anywhere in your house. The irony of this occurred to me while studying polypeptides. Regular radio can be accessed via a crappy little headset and some batteries, yet it took the purchase of a laptop, wireless card, and the download of a program that allows access to internet radio stations for me to enjoy the same thing....Ah technology!


2 comments so far

Clay Crush Level: Rumor has it that he will be in an SNL sketch!

Today I Saw: Me giving myself a home hair cut

The Weather is: Faaaaah Rigid!

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