
UGLAY Wendy ... - 2006-07-02 21:13:21
Cruel and snobbish r'us BB (please read as BeeBee) ... don't fight it.
UGLAY Danielle - 2006-07-03 07:32:20
Paris Hilton always has such good advice to share...
UGLAY Audra - 2006-07-03 09:12:17
I think the Alan Cumming response would be to grab your crotch...
UGLAY Kat - 2006-07-03 10:18:00
...grab your crotch, then lick all the slabs of pork meat.
UGLAY Melissa - 2006-07-03 11:34:00
I think the response would be to fuck it all and come down to Kat's and be mean to us.
UGLAY Kelly - 2006-07-03 11:37:34
That would have been ideal, Melissa. Sadly, I'm working today...

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