
UGLAY Erin - 2003-11-10 11:58:21
Something I like to do when I feel numb or feel like I have to scream is take a walk in the rain. Now I know that the chances that is is raining in Detroit are slim, but just a suggestion. I like to stomp in the puddles and get soaking wet. In college I would also get in the fountains on campus and dance around. Mind you I was sober at the time. As for Vegas, have fun. It's your goddamn trip.
UGLAY Gumphood - 2003-11-10 12:20:03
It's me that you fear meeting isn't it. Me and my poffy hair.
UGLAY Katynka - 2003-11-10 13:17:35
Don't forget that there's still the blood-spurting and the Neil-crying to look forward to.
UGLAY Melissa - 2003-11-10 13:22:18
I love you. And I love that you are going to help me make Neil Sedaka cry when blood spurts all over his natty suit.
UGLAY Danielle - 2003-11-10 16:21:22
Looks like I'd better add latex gloves to my list of what to pack, what with all the blood spurting that's expected. Seriously, I adore you and I want you to let me know if there's anything I can do for you. I'll just be a listening ear if that's what you need. MCDs together in Vegas...I'm thinking that beats several hours of therapy ANY DAY! I love you!
UGLAY Wendy - 2003-11-13 22:23:12
Kellay ... HAVE A GOOD TIME ... NO, HAVE A GREAT TIME!!!!!!!!!

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