
UGLAY Gumphood - 2003-10-15 12:50:06
HAHA. You sure that every song just doesn't make you think about sex with clay. Cause I think that is what the case is. ... That's what I think.
UGLAY Erin - 2003-10-15 12:59:18
You and Leah look too hot for words! Love the shirts. Did you really steal that CD holder? Damn I wish they had one at our MediaPlay because I would have stolen it fo'sho.
UGLAY Danielle - 2003-10-15 15:58:58
I friggin' laughed out loud. "Clay is a liar." "And when I get anxious, I steal shit." Those shirts rock so friggin' hard, I can't even stand it. And your Clay Crush Level and Today I Saw made me pee in my pants a little bit. I'm listening to MOAM now. Chills, dawg. Chills.
UGLAY Wenday in FL - 2003-10-15 16:49:33
So .. all night you dreamed about sex ... right? Sex with CLay ... right? and you haven't told us about it yet? WTF!
UGLAY Kelly - 2003-10-15 17:25:22
Wendy... I never dream about him! Leah does. But they are always horrible. She had a dream that Clay was on stage performing and they had this harness thingie on him to make him fly, and they smushed him into the glass cieling!
UGLAY Katynka - 2003-10-19 10:59:44
I'm listening to Touch right now. No, that's not about sex. Doesn't make me "chase the dog" at all. No, not at all. Nope. Nada. Nosiree.
UGLAY Gumphood - 2003-10-20 11:47:38
Wanted to see Donnie Darko. I have seen some on Friday, but I was much too drunk and I passed out. DOH@

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