
UGLAY ClaysTramp - 2003-10-02 10:10:22
Clay will kiss that D away...
UGLAY Kelly - 2003-10-02 10:42:56
Oooh! And then it'll turn into a C and that will have to be kissed away as well....
UGLAY Danielle - 2003-10-02 12:13:29
First of all. That. Neck. Secondly, when you and Chris get married, can I be a bridesmaid? And do you think Clay will sing at the wedding, considering the history between you? Also, grades are arbitrary. F 'em. Talk to you Monday!
UGLAY Audra - 2003-10-02 13:28:17
That neck, that hair, that beautiful blue shirt with no t-shirt underneath...If Clay's at the wedding, maybe we can have a double ceremony. So I'm married...I support polygamy.
UGLAY Kelly - 2003-10-02 14:53:44
Oooh! You Broads really know how to nuture a fantasy....a double you think I could marry Chris and Clay? Would it offend Clay's Christian sensibilities?
UGLAY Audra - 2003-10-02 17:19:42
Two Words - Duct Tape...over the mouth, then all he has to do is nod his head. Besides I'm marrying Clay in a subdivision of TrampLand called DELUSION.
UGLAY Gumphood - 2003-10-03 13:30:25
YOu will fall for another when the next American idol touches down.
UGLAY Katynka - 2003-10-03 21:34:23
Can you marry Chris, Clay, AND me? Pleeeeease!

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