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2010-06-22 12:48 a.m.

I totally have googly eyes. Not the kind that you get over someone. Those days are probably gone. The kind you get when they roll around in your head. A stressful day at (first) work, makes it really hard to come home and get down to business. Especially when you have shit to do from the first job. Tomorrow. Tomorrow, I swear will do like 14 hours of work. That sounds super awesome, right?

I feel compelled to write here suddenly out of a need for slightly more privacy. Facebook (and I'm not an idiot, btw), has really become kind of evil and not private. I feel the need to veil my status updates in innuendo, silliness, and jokes. While I like that shit, it's not how I prefer to express myself. This obscure place that no one pays attention to anymore is the last refuge for truth. There are a couple of folks out there who might peek in, but those people are old internet; snoopy, not commenty, like on facebook.

So, my friends, snoop away...and if you've got something to say, send me an email or give me a call.

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