
UGLAY Robin - 2004-10-14 06:42:46
Damn Kelly, you are my hero. You did today what I have always wanted to do. A bit out of morbid curiosity but mostly out of pure interest in the human body. Without sounding like my Nana, I am really proud of you!
UGLAY Danielle - 2004-10-14 15:58:45
You would have LOVED the Body Worlds exhibit. All the while I was staring at the organs and systems of the human body, I couldn't help but wonder who the people were that donated their remains to this scientific endeavor. Were they mothers, bankers, vagrants or insurance salesmen? What did they do on Thanksgiving and how many scraped knees did they have learning to ride a bike? That's why I left Pre-Med after my freshman year in college and moved into liberal arts. I couldn't separate body and soul, and I knew I wouldn't be able to accept it if a patient didn't get well or died. I think you, however, may be finding your niche...CSI...
UGLAY boohmshanka - 2004-10-20 03:11:16
I personally can barely handle reading about an actual skull being sawed open.

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