
UGLAY Danielle - 2004-06-30 07:50:04
Yay! An update! And damn girl, you really are PO to be getting drunk on Pabst Blue Ribbon and bumming smokes. Once you start working, maybe you can getcherself some Rolling Rock or something. ;)
UGLAY Leah - 2004-06-30 17:33:35
No way, D. "Pabst! Blue! Ribbon!!" (Watch Blue Velvet if you don't believe me.) Also, I agree that the overweight bassist is cute. He has a total baby-face which I think is great.
UGLAY Kelly - 2004-06-30 22:42:31
Le Sigh. Now I have to be at Third Street's ugly ass every Tuesday night so I can perpetuate the crush. Ah the life of the consistently amorous.

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