
UGLAY Danielle - 2004-03-19 06:29:45
I love when one of our chats becomes an entire entry. Can I be Keeper of your Shark Teeth? Also, I'm going to start calling you Jaws. Whenever you enter a room, I'll hum the theme.

Five years ago, my dentist recommended I have my wisdom teeth removed. I only have three. One actually came in and the other is on its way. The third is resting comfortably under my gums. And I have dental insurance.

Are you going to have the tooth pulled before Vegas? If so, bring it with you and we'll throw it on stage! Fuck panties! Human teeth is where it's at!

Love you!
UGLAY Audra - 2004-03-19 12:06:00
Sorry. Three days after I had Grace, Tommy went to the dentist about a cavity that had been filled and was hurting. Air pocket at bottom of filling. So inflamed they cannot do a root canal. I had to go to the oral surgeon - 45 mins away - and sit in the office while they removed his tooth. Did I mention I had just had Grace and had stiches in a very uncomfortable area. Not good for driving and sitting in a waiting room. Dumbass original dentist had the balls to send a "Happy New Baby" card.
UGLAY Erin - 2004-03-19 15:47:49
Oh Kelly, I am so sorry. I understand the tears. Joe had to do the same thing last year. I was so upset and tried to pay for his root canal, but he refused. It's way in the back and can't be seen, but still it upset me having to have the tooth pulled. You already know about my vampire tooth that I had to have surgery on when I was 5. Real surgery. Totally under. You're my vampire twin.

And I also only had 3 wisdom teeth. Had those removed while I was in college and I loved every minute of it, well the drug part of it.

And yes, throw the tooth on stage. Although I suggest you put it in something so he doesn't accidently step on and crush it or worse, it land in his mouth and he swallow it. Have you seen those little tooth fairy dolls that kids put their lost teeth in? You could put it in one of those and then throw the fairy on stage. Later, he would open the pocket and SURPRISE!

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