
UGLAY Danielle - 2004-03-14 21:39:38
That girl sitting in front of you has really nice hair. (I make this comment because we covered every topic during the telephone frenzy that preceded and followed the concert.) If he doesn't notice CORKY ST. CLAY or CLAY, SOME PEOPLE FIND YOU IRONICAL, that man is dead inside. I think we should put all our energy during the next two weeks into willing Clay to bring you, me and Leah on stage so we can reinact a little "Night at the Roxbury" all over his sweet ass. How much would Melissa, Kat, Erin, Robin and Wendy love to see us bumping Clay around like a pinball? Plus it will be easier to get him into the electric kennel if he's tired and bruised. End of long, rambling comment.
UGLAY Dalesvz - 2007-11-06 06:11:28 desk3 [url=]desk4[/url] [link=]desk6[/link]

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