
UGLAY Gumphood - 2003-11-27 12:03:15
I am likeing -- liking. licking...hmmm... I like the chronicals. Can't wait for more.
UGLAY Audra - 2003-11-28 09:44:37
1.I'm waiting for my $250 for the 'tooth job' - damn tigers.

2.I'm holding out for CowClay - that will be one hell of an udder - I mean look how big they made Roy's.
UGLAY Julie - 2003-12-02 18:44:11
Kelly, you SO kick ass! Thanks for writing this all're helping me to remember the trip! (amazing how quickly I'd forgotten the flashdance sweatshirt and leg warmer discussion, when it was so extremely significant to me!) Dying for part 3, gurrl!!!

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