
UGLAY faith - 2003-09-29 00:50:25
hey don't drop out! no! cute angle by the way, its hard for me to find a cute angle of my face :P
UGLAY Danielle - 2003-09-29 07:30:51
You've got that look on your face like you just dunked someone in a vat of lye.
UGLAY Leah - 2003-09-29 07:46:34
Nah, she's just doing something that she knows would piss off her mother. Wet hair in this weather?!
UGLAY Wenday in Floriday - 2003-09-29 10:11:39
I should have told you... when I said "do it, do it, do it" (In your guestbook when you were talking about upgrading to the gold memebership and spending your student loan money to do it... and I said I spent my student loan money on all kinds of things...)

I should have told you I never graduated!

UGLAY Wenday in FLoriday - 2003-09-29 10:12:11
This is why I can't spell membership...
UGLAY Gumphood - 2003-09-29 13:15:27
Damn...all of you are busy now and update less. This makes me sad, though happy when you do update...adate. Regulate.
UGLAY Kelly - 2003-09-29 14:35:46
Wow! This shitty entry was very popular! Maybe I'll continue to update infrequently and make sure that my quality is low...and have some ugly ass picture of me! Is this the recipe for success??
UGLAY Audra - 2003-09-29 22:02:45
Wendy, you of all people should be able to spell "member"...diploma or not.

Student loan money spent on school needs is wasted money. Memories are better.

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