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Everything Bad is Easy to Write About

2009-05-04 9:56 p.m.

You know, sometimes I really love my writing. This right here is a perfect example. It just flows, and it's funny. Well, I think it is.

Other times, it's like pulling fucking teeth to make anything sound good. Case in point was my professional blog today. Man, I really hope people just ignore that entry because I felt it was decidedly subpar. I really think the problems stems from the fact that I have to be positive there. I think I write mean, cynical and disparaging shit WAY better. That and pining. And unrequited love. Those things are my bread and butter. Saying how awesome a band is poses a more difficult task. How do you do it without just repeating AWESOME over and over again. I guess I need an awesome thesaurus.

This weekend I'm seeing my first show with one of my neices. We're seeing the Kills and the Horrors at the Magic Stick. All I know is that I would have killed to go to the Stick when I was 14, so she better realize how grand (that's not gonna fly so well when I'm talking about Childbite, is it?) this is. It should be a fun show too.

I'm not drunk, so I won't blog about previously mentioned mustachioed man.


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