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Ho Hum

2006-07-24 6:14 p.m.

Dear Diary,

I'd forgotten about this particular aspect of working at the library. The boredom. The sheer nothing to do. I'm subbing over at the reference desk and the only expectation placed upon me is that I stay at this desk and answer any reference questions that patrons ask of me. At night, this is usually not a big worry. My only excitement thus far has been to kick a misbehaving child off one of the public access computers so an adult could use it. My favorite combination: children and conflict.

I've been listening to the book Northanger Abbey which has been decent, but has really made me glad that I live in an age of plain speaking and forwardness. The sheer volume of words needed to communicate an invitation to go for a ride in the country would simply exhaust me. However, I do feel that Jane Austen's language is overtaking me a little. Because Leah and I don't see each other a lot and because I've been mostly solitary at my university job, I am easily susceptible to the tones of others. I just hope that I don't start emulating anyone from my recent reobsession, Remington Steele. The show embarrasses me to no end, but the young, sparkly-eyed Pierce Brosnan keeps me coming back for more.

I'm also tempted to flout some Clay fan club rules and post a picture that I've been expressly intructed not to repost. You know, just to be a bitch.

I also have to admit a real discomfort coming upon me regarding my impending 27th birthday. While I know 27 is hardly old, I feel like I'm far too old to be in the position I'm in. Floundering through school, working two part time jobs, borrowing money from my dad, single with no prospects, etc. These to me, are the marks of a 19 or 20 year old, finding her way in the world.

I will try to enjoy a proper birthday party this weekend despite the fact that my asshole boss (University job) decided he'll be traveling on Monday the 31st (my birthday) and I'll need to be working at the office from 10-4, which totally ruined my plans for a relaxing birthday afternoon. Alas, there is nothing I can do about it because I'll be the only one in the office. I'll make the most of it, I'm sure by doing nothing all day except watching Remington Steele.


1 comments so far

Clay Crush Level: Not looking so fresh these days.

Today I Saw: Spots. From a migraine.

The Weather is: Warm

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