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Perhaps you need to crawl, since you obviously haven't mastered walking!

2003-09-09 9:55 a.m.

Dear Diary,

Seems like a lot of my entries will be on Tuesday mornings, where I have a gap in my schedule. It is quite a travesty (in my opinion) to get up at 7:30AM to go to a class that lasts 55 minutes. Oh who am I kidding, I got up at 8:10AM and that's only because my roommate is a kind enough soul to risk her eyesight to knock on my door and nicely tell me that it's 8:10AM. I say risk her eyesight because I inherited a serious case of bedhead from my dad, and my nightgown was short.

I have a new pet peeve now. It is a direct result of walking around campus. Five words: "Pick up your DAMN feet!" Shufflers should die! I mean how hard is it to raise each of your feet in succession?! I'm not even talking obese people here. I'm talking cutsie idiots in NORMAL footwear, acting like they are gonna fall over dead from the exhaustion of going to class. My backpack weighs 50 pounds easily and I manage to walk without scraping the soles of my f'n feet on the sidewalk!! Learn to walk peeps!

Wish me luck folks, I'm going to Biology lab for the first time today. I don't think we will be dissecting anything today. I hope we aren't. Wait, maybe I do. Ok only if it's a shuffler.


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