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Freddy v. Jason: A battle for the rights of Man

2003-08-21 3:31 a.m.

Dear Diary,

Tonight was another night of Three Virgins tooling around. I received a call from Jennifer at work and when I picked up, she said, "Seven days", in her best Samara voice. I'm really glad I wasn't on the front desk, because I cackled so loud it would have woke the dead.

After work, Jennifer, Tina and myself all hopped in my car and headed to New York Red Hots, yet another cheap restaurant in our oh so large repertoire. The coffee was terrible, but the chicken finger pitas were great. Jennifer posed a really good question to me, but because I am the killer of every bad joke, I had a lame ass response. Her question was, "When you had a boyfriend, did you ever have to pretend you liked something just because he did? And are you relieved that you don't have to pretend anymore?" What I should have said was, "Yes. Him." But I didn't.

There was some time to kill between dinner and our movie so we decided to pay good old Major Magics a visit. The crap of it is, we all worked there. I think at one point we all worked there at the same time. Sad. Sad. Sad. So we each get $5 in tokens and go to town. Jennifer is smart and plays the game with the lights that go around in a circle and you have to stop it on the Jackpot. Well she did. And she won 200 tickets! When we were all spent, we, being good little communists, all pooled our tickets together. Let me tell ya, these places have raised their prices. We filled up maybe a quarter of a brown paper lunch sack with candy purchased with our tickets. The worst part about the whole thing is picking the candy out. Here we are, 23-24 year olds, specifying which flavor of fruity tootsie rolls we wanted. That was the point I broke up laughing. I'm sure the 16 year old who had to put up with us was not amused.

Off we went to the movie theater to see Freddy vs. Jason. Or rather, Freddy v. Jason. Jennifer says this makes it sound like a Supreme Court case. We get in the theatre and make fun of the previews and cackle.

The movie starts, and I know I am going to be the one people yell at to shush, because I am hopped up on coffee. I laugh at every kill, every bad Freddy joke, everything.

This is the point where we all decide to figure out who the stupid B movie actors are trying to be. Let's see, there was a Jack Black wannabe, Billy Idol, Brittany Murphy, Rayanne from My So Called Life, Brian Krakow from MSCL and oh yeah Kelly Rowland for real.

This movie was worth it simply because it's been rumored to be in production for like 20 years now. My ex, who was a liar, always claimed to have some inside info on it.

After the movie, we went over to Tina's to watch Waiting for Guffman (Yes Danielle, I finally saw it!). My favorite part is when Corky yells into the phone, "Then I hate you and I hate your ass face!" Classic!

After Guffman, we had one of our roundtable discussions. Some of it was about my lovelife, and how I think I am too critical of my prospects. At one point, I said, "Listen to me! Like I'm some crazy hottie! Pssshhh! As long as he has both of his eyes, I should be happy!"

Mr. Miller, our high school science teacher who has a glass eye, naturally came up, and we began to discuss what the cleansing routine might be for him. Does he have to take out the eye to wash it? Does he have to wash the socket? Tina decided that the idea of having to pop your own eye out was so disgusting, that if she were ever confronted with the loss of her eye, she would just tell them to sew up the eyelid. Naturally, Jennifer and I were appauled and tried to convince her how wrong her decision would be by demonstrating just how horrible it looks to have one eye closed all naturally and the other one open and moving. I don't think she's on our side yet.



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