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Styrofoam Frisbee & Too afraid to go to bed

2002-11-16 4:03 a.m.

Dear Diary,

I had a really great evening. Jennifer and Tina were both in town today, so we took the opportunity to visit a few old haunts and catch a movie.

First, we went to China Garden where the waitresses actually know us and ask how our lives are. Jennifer and I surprised Tina with our Wildcat behavior and ordered Mai Tais. It was somewhat spoiled by the waitress telling us that Jennifer's sister had had Mai Tais the night before. I finished both of our drinks. After compulsively packaging up my slop of a meal, I came up with a brilliant idea. Since I knew the food would not be eaten in its current state, I decided that it must be thrown. This is something of a tradition now when visiting with Jennifer, she just brings the hooligan out in me.

We drove by the house once and had to turn around to get into position for maximum throwing capability. The car moving at a slow crawl, I lamely launched the styrofoam container onto the apron of Matt's parent's driveway. We sped up and catharsis was had by all.

Then we went to see The Ring. Ok readers. YOU MUST SEE THIS MOVIE! Don't be scared off by the fact that it is PG-13. It doesn't matter. So, so scary. I can barely sit down here without looking over my shoulder because of it.

We headed back to my house, which is kinda like an after hours club, where people who are tired go to talk about all the fun they just had. We freaked ourselves out with some creepy pics online and then...Tina came around the corner totally dressed up like Samara (for those who haven't seen it, she's this scary little girl in the movie)! It was a completely creepy moment. Tina had even brought a night gown with her. Uh...nicely executed you guys.

All in all, a really great visit with two really great friends.


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