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Another 3AM passes by

2002-09-30 3:25 a.m.

Dear Diary,

I am so happy to finally be entering the latest realm of home entertainment. I, my friends now own a DVD player!! Woo! Anyway it is a very cool DVD/VHS combo player that I will be taking with me to my new place in January. For now, I have placed it upstairs in order to convince my parents that they too need to enter the digital world.

This weekend I have fueled my new Jake Gyllenhaal crush by watching The Bubble Boy. I know it's not exactly a cinematic masterpiece, but it was much better than I thought it would be. I also watched The Salton Sea, which was great; Wonder Boys, another estrogen inspired pick; and Never Been Kissed, which was a bad idea simply because it made me think of high school. Thinking of high school is not painful because I was tortured or anything, but rather because I did enjoy myself. I (gasp) miss it. I am such a baby and tomorrow I will simply write it off as another "wee hours of the morning/false moment of clarity/high emotions caused by lack of REM" episode. Hmmmm...I gave it a name...these things happen way too often.

I at 3:30AM, am also feeling the two poles of my personality quite acutely. The writer side is blazing at this hour. This should not come as much of a surprise considering a healthy amount of entries come out around this time. The forensic scientist person will hatch anew tomorrow morning, ready to cheer when something gruesome happens on a medical show or in some crappy movie.

I desperately miss writing, which is absolutely hilarious considering I seem to avoid it at all costs. I think what I miss is fulfilling someone's requirements for writing and having them tell me that it was good. It has been some time since that has happened.

Looking back on the past few paragraphs, it is no wonder that no one reads this damn thing. I am so tempted to say all these crazy things...oh wait I'm sure I already reveal too much.



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