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Silly girl, carrots are for rabbits

2001-12-09 9:08 p.m.

Dear Diary,

It's been a while I know, but trust me nothing that interesting has happened. Christmas is nearing, and for the first time since high school, I am not spazzing out about it. I have one more check coming, which I will spend mostly on gifts for family and friends. I am just not worried. Amazing. Anyway, I am writing this entry on my iMac which has been fixed and which has recently been outfitted with a really snazzy dark blue art deco type theme. It's like having a new computer.

I have recently decided to attempt to lose some weight. Of course this is the worst possible time to do so but other than a couple multiple restaurant meal days, I haven't done too bad. I have fallen in love with hummus and it's low-fat wondrousness. I have been eating it as lunch at work with *gasp* vegetables. However, don't get your hopes up for me yet, I have a quick veggie anecdote to relate first:

So I pack my litle cute retro colors Tupperwear container with pita bread, broccoli, cauliflower and carrots. I bring along two varieties of hummus and a big bottle of water. It is time to start my clean-living day. I starve until lunch and then go back to the cozy break room at the library and pull my delightful lunch out of the fridge. I pull a carrot from the cute little curvey section and dip it generously into the spinach hummus. I bite into the end with a resounding crunch that probably made the patrons cringe, and begin to chew. All of a sudden my mouth sends my brain the distinct message that it does not like the subtle nuances that carrots have to offer. I chew faster (think bunny rabbit) and try to swallow. The message from the brain has now reached my esophogus. It refuses to let the hummus-carrot puree pass. I take a gulp of water to help it on its way.

One would think that this would be the end of the lunch, but I was determined to continue on the straight and narrow and not devour the plate of fudge lying evilly on the table. So I choked down 5 carrots and 2 broccoli trees as well as 3 pita breads. I have learned the secret to weight loss: make yourself eat a little of the stuff you hate gulped down with water and your stomach will feel queasy enough to convince you not to eat anymore. Just a little note to friends who might be worried, I would never adopt that as a weight loss strategy.

More Later,


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