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How Unbelievably Rude!

2001-10-21 9:06 p.m.

Dear Diary,

Yesterday I made a choice. Not an earthshattering one, but definitely a good one. Two friends called me, wanting to hang out. I had the choice between one (who shall remain nameless, but anyone who knows will guess) who constantly stands me up, and who has a significant other who belongs in hell, and Tina, a caring, kind, honest non-standing up her friends friend. So intelligently, I chose Tina. She, Katie and I went to see Death Cab for Cutie at the Magic Stick. A good concert with several good stories attached to it.

1) This is by far the best story from the evening. Katie, Tina and I had grabbed chairs and plopped them in the middle of the audience area to sit in at intermission times. There was a good 6 feet of room in front of us and plenty behind us and to the sides. This is a key fact to remember. So we're sitting down and this weird couple stands so close to me that the female's purse keeps hitting me in the shoulder. I let it go, because maybe she doesn't realize there's someone sitting in the chair. What was inexcusable though, was her refusal to move even when I stood up. She was in front of the right half of my body by about 5 inches at maximum. And to make it worse, she kept stretching her back so that her head almost hit me in the face. Her square (shape, not nerdy 50s term) boyfriend even had the audacity to say, "Wow, it's crowded!" I began using every method I knew to make someone move. I breathed on her (Tina's suggestion), I put my hands on my hips, I made sure my chain wallet hit her coat every three seconds and as a last ditch effort I actually coughed on her. Still she moved not an inch. After a half an hour, she turned around to me and said, "I'm sorry if I keep standing in front of you, it's an accident." Accident my overly tensed up ass! And to top it all off, they stayed in their exact position for at least 10 minutes more. Then they left as if another chance to annoy someone had cropped up.

2) I will call this section: Seeing all the People you Didn't Want to See

I saw Eric Weir, Matt Azarobitz (phonetic, sorry), Nichole Oppenheim, and Rosie Majewski all in one night. And to make matters worse, I accidentally started a conversation with Rosie. Big mistake. She gave me a mean ugly look and then I proceeded to brag that I had graduated, and she fired back with the fact that she just started her first "real" job. Boo Hiss!

Anyway that was my fun filled Saturday evening. Hope to write more later.


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