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2001-08-30 5:34 PM

Dear Moo,

Bit of a bummer day today. I just found out that my grandma's dentist in Florida has no concern for her health, just making money. He let her come up to Michigan knowing full well that she still had cancer in her jaw. Not only that but he also charged her $2700 for a partial plate she shouldn't even wear because it is irritating the cancer. Now it looks like there really is no hope for a cure. Even removing part of her jaw would only give her a 50 percent chance at this point. I prayed right away that God wouldn't let her go that way; a piece at a time and painfully. I hope that something can be done for this thing, without removing her jaw. Sorry for the bummin' entry, but this is what is going on right now. Grandma's only in town till Friday, so hopefully we can make the rest of the visit enjoyable. Everyone who does, please pray. Thanks


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