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A Case of Mistaken Identity

2000-10-13 04:02:48

Dear Plastic Cow,

I've been thinking about friendships lately. How sometimes there are moments so intense in a friendship (especially with a member of the opposite sex) that you think you are in love with that person. Euphoric feelings that make you think "this is perfection". But, sadly every moment can't be one of these and even more sadly, sometimes friendships dissolve. So what do you do with that feeling? It can't go away. I think sometimes people use these emotions in odd ways. Like after marriage or a committed relationship has become a little run of the mill, a person might sit one day and think "I'm in love with someone else!" They might go act on it, making a fool out of themselves (or maybe be welcomed). Or it may torture them for years. People these days, have a hard time imagining that there are more than two kinds of love (romantic and parently). I think friendly love can be just as strong as either of these and maybe mistaken for romantic love.

Catch you later moo cow,


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